Friday, September 11, 2009


I know, I know...more pictures of Landon. These are just some random pictures of our favorite little person. Wanted to share them, especially with my family. He is just growing up too fast, always doing the cutest little things.

Oh, and I couldn't post my video that I was trying to upload. I think it might be too long. It was of Landon kissing our kitty. Hopefully I can catch another shorter video of it.

I took a pair of my jeans and wrapped them around Landon and clipped them together in the back. It looked like a little superman cape. He walked around with this big old smile on his face, like I had just given him the coolest thing ever. So funny.

Who needs to buy fancy hats from the store when a box will do!?

Ok, he might kill me for this when he is older but who can resist a baby bum?

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