Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bad Day

I think most of you know that motherhood has been challenging for me and man it tested my limits a few days ago! I was having such a bad day with Landon. I must have cried at least a dozen times. Landon was fussy most of the day and throwing lots of tantrums! I was very ready for Tyson to get home from school and he could tell that I needed him after talking with him earlier in the day. After he got home he took Landon so I could finish getting dinner ready. I thought they were downstairs but then I heard someone come through the front door. I walked over to see what was going on and saw this...

Landon had surprised mommy with a pretty rose and an "I'm sorry" note (with a little help from daddy of course). I cried for the 13th time and felt blessed to have a husband who cares as much as he does. The rose, now sitting in my kitchen windowsill, reminds me to try to keep a smile on my face through those rough days because I know that I am really loved.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lawn mower obsession!

Landon loves lawn mowers! Now this is how exciting our days are, brace yourselves! Every Thursday a lawn mowing service comes to take care of the lawn at the house across the street from us. We go outside and watch the lawn mowers from the front porch. Oooo! He loves it. "Awn mow, awm mow, he'll say! He also loves to help his daddy mow the lawn! Might as well start them out while they're young, right!?

Can you see the little lawn mower in the background? :)


I know, I know...more pictures of Landon. These are just some random pictures of our favorite little person. Wanted to share them, especially with my family. He is just growing up too fast, always doing the cutest little things.

Oh, and I couldn't post my video that I was trying to upload. I think it might be too long. It was of Landon kissing our kitty. Hopefully I can catch another shorter video of it.

I took a pair of my jeans and wrapped them around Landon and clipped them together in the back. It looked like a little superman cape. He walked around with this big old smile on his face, like I had just given him the coolest thing ever. So funny.

Who needs to buy fancy hats from the store when a box will do!?

Ok, he might kill me for this when he is older but who can resist a baby bum?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Video waiting

I am having problems trying to post a video. It will say that it's processing but will say that for over an hour. Has anyone else had this problem?? Urgh!

Sick of being sick!

So, about a week ago Landon developed an eye infection, the next day a runny nose, the day after that...an ear infection! Slowly it got worse moving into his other eye and other ear as well as a yucky cough and diaper rash due to diarrhea! OH MY GOSH! This really has been an awful week. Of course the lovely virus was passed on to Tyson and I keeping us up half the night with sore throats and cough attacks! Since this is my first time experiencing a really sick child for the first time, I have cried a few tears. It broke my heart whenever we would have to hold him down to administer drops in his eyes and ears. Poor little guy. Please let this sickness pass soon. I hope that when it does I won't have to look at these things for a very, very long time!!