Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My daddy loves me...and mommy too!

Tyson and I tried for a little over three years for Landon. It was something that challenged both of us and caused much pain and heartache. It was hard to understand what God had in mind for us and why it wasn't including a baby. But I know that it strengthened both of us and made us stronger individually and as a couple. Tyson is an amazing Dad, I watch him with Landon and I get chills. Nothing is more important then your children and your family. I remember my mom and dad both telling me..."you will not know our love for you until you have children of your own." I now more fully appreciate my parents and all that they did for me. Thanks to you both.


Linda said...

You both make great parents. And its so true that you really don't understand the love a parent has for a child until you have your own.

Gina said...

He is getting so big! I can't imagine what you guys went through in those few years, but I am so glad that you have such a cute little guy to make up for it!