But more then breakfast and nail polish the biggest news is that Tyson passed the second part of his boards! I was so proud of him! I was also quite proud of the "Boards Survival Bag" that I put together which included breakfast, lunch, his favorite treats, and a gift certificate for a well deserved back rub after his test! I think it must have helped because he got an amazing score. Now he can really be a doctor!! Yippee! I knew you could do it my love!
But perhaps the MOST exciting thing that we have been up to has been all the packing we have been doing. NOT! I am already sick of seeing boxes. I forgot how much I hate to pack. Why can't I be this excited about packing...
Other then that, the emotions are definitely starting to set in about leaving Pittsburgh. I teach Relief Society in church and cried like a huge baby during my last lesson. So sorry to those who had to witness my meltdown! :) We hope to have lots of warm weather the next few weeks for lots of fun with friends before we leave. Until next time!